Friday, 26 August 2016


Decisions must be made, be it tough or mild. But we must all make certain vital decisions at some points in our lives. The act of decision making involves putting everything aside just to listen to a voice that is always ready to speak if we willing to listen. Tough decisions bring out the best in us. As it was once said “giving up doesn’t mean that you weak, sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let things go”. Your decision today can affect your life tomorrow, either positively or negatively. Do not be too quick to make a decision, neither too slow not to know what you want. Think over every decision to be made per time even under pressure, because no one would listen to the fact that you spoke or acted without thinking. Though a decision may seem difficult, it is worth taking if it gives you inner peace and unspeakable joy, even at the expense of making others happy. No one bears the consequence of your decisions, as everyone is responsible for the actions arising from his or her decisions. Choices must be made daily, therefore think before you choose and never make choices before you think of the consequences. It should work like this, right? YOU CAN ONLY MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION IF YOU ARE WILLING TO LISTEN TO THE RIGHT VOICE INSIDE YOU. (THE HOLY SPIRIT).

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