
Monday, 9 May 2016


                                      KEY INGREDIENTS OF SUCCESS.
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. There is no harm in trying just one more time. The difference between failure and success is doing something nearly right and doing it exactly right. The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in determination. It is better to try and fail than to fail to try. It is hard to fail, but worse never to have tried to succeed. Success is a process just as failure is. One does not wake up to fail or succeed. It takes steps. Determination only makes it possible. Determination sees you through your dreams and stops at nothing in achieving them. In order to succeed we must first believe that we can. Success is how high you bounce back when you hit the bottom. You are not judged by the successes you achieve but you are judged by how many times you fell and got back to your feet. The person who makes a success of living is one who sees his goals steadily and aims for it steadfastly, that is dedication. Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on where others have let go because they gave up too soon not seeing a need to try again. Believe and act as if it was impossible to fail because in order to succeed your desire for success should be greater than your fear for failure. True success is the only thing you cannot have unless and until you have offered it to others. Having the ability alone doesn’t satisfy the hunger for success. Determination gives you balance when trials set in your way of success. You see beyond your goals and aspirations. To be called a successful person you must lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at you. As far as success is concerned you are the determinant factor. Be determined, so obstacles when faced will be a horse back.


People that make good use of opportunities are those I consider fortunate. An opportune person is one who is smart enough to grab a productive idea and put it to work, one who is smart enough to know what will work and how to make it work. Success is getting what you want and happiness is wanting what you get. Successful people are not successful because of what they have; they are successful because of what they do with what they have (be it little or much). They make wise use of the little opportunity given to them, before searching for greater ones. Successful people learn the secret of opportunity before they became successful and that secret is : the love for the things we do and the enthusiasm in doing them. You would never do anything well enough if you just do them just for the sake of doing them. Anything worth doing is worth doing well and there is no harm in being enthused doing them.
Success is simple; do what’s right, the right way, at the right time. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it. The secret of success is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes, and can only manage the bigger opportunities only when one had managed the little ones. The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunities. You ought to be ready at all times so when it comes, you grab it and make wise use of it. Success is a lifelong adventure not a destination, for only those who are willing to venture on the wheels of opportunities. No one truly graduates from the school of success. I believe that opportunities are all around us, some seize it, and others stand by and let it go. Pursue your goals even in the face of difficulties and convert adversities to opportunities. “Opportunities are missed because it is dressed in the overalls of work”, says a wise man. Many do not want to work they dislike the word “work”. You cannot enjoy what you do not earn otherwise you become a thief. Locate your opportunity by searching for it; when you do not see it, create one for yourself through creative thinking. Opportunity is the mother of all fortunes. Everyone has the opportunity to either fail or succeed in life. It is a choice which is made by you. Make good of every opportunity that comes your way to be “GREAT”.

Responsibility is the price for greatness. Everyone wants to be successful but not everyone wants to take responsibilities. It takes absolute responsibility to be a success. People forget the part that in other to succeed, one has to be responsible and diligent. “There is no scar without a scar”. A lazy man cannot be successful. Student that portray nonchalant attitudes towards pursuit cannot be successful. When it is time to study do so, time to play also do so. One has to follow the principle of “there is time for everything”. Responsibility is giving your today for your tomorrow. To be genius which you are, you have to give up something and take up something that is, leaving your comfort zone. One who continues to do what he /she likes it is hard to merit success. The body (flesh) wants irrelevant things that do not guarantee success. For instance, most prefer playing to studying but if such student do not give up playing for that time being and take up studying, such students are not ready to excel. Invest your God given time in something productive. Drop things that will mar you and pick up things that will make you. You have to take steps (extra steps) to make an outstanding success. It is those that take extra steps, giant steps not taking by an ordinary people, who become extra-ordinary. No man is a superman or extra-ordinary without doing something unusual. Successful students are those that took extra time to study, put extra effort in reading ahead of the teacher and spending extra time racking their brains and making it sweat. Something extra was put into it. Spectacular achievements are preceded by painstaking preparations. Only the responsible are handed important tasks. Is anyone today successful without being responsible?. It is necessary to be responsible to undergo the school of success.

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