is the ability to be creative. It is a productive mental activity. You have to
create something. Great ideas are put into reality with creativity. People have
created (invented) so many things such as calculating machine, sewing machine,
telegraph, temperature scale, and a host of others via creativity. What have
you done? Have added value to your world through your ideas? We all have
ideas(creative ideas ) inside of us but we need to stir them up. A mind that is
skeptical and pessimistic cannot be creative. It is creative thinking that
enhances success and provokes productivity (Bishop David Oyedepo). There is
always a way to succeed but only those who think can see that way.
Lord kelvin
was able to engage his brain productively in creating an absolute temperature
scale and developing the laws of thermodynamics (1824-1907) “powerful thinkers get powerful results”.
Many successful people sat up and they stirred up the potentials of creating
something. Some persons we see in our everyday life succeed just by being
creative in their thoughts. For a man who has no money and has a car to convey
passengers to their destinations as a means of earning a living is creativity.
You too can be creative; why not stir it up and see that you will be a tower
The mind is
a ground where ideas (positive or negative) are hatched. Your thought plays a
major role in making you what you are. Three major things govern our thoughts:
Association, Observation and Teaching. Your mind is formed by what you observe,
controlled by what you associate it with and what knowledge you allow it to
acquire. One doesn’t begin to lay a foundation, lay blocks and allow a building
to emerge. It starts with and allow a building it is going to be. Every great
result in life begins from the architect’s board which I call the mind. The positive
thoughts on the inside can result in positive actions on the outside and vice
versa. Your mentality (thinking) determines your ability (action). This implies
that until positive things get registered in your mentality your ability cannot
be positive. Engage in productive thinking because whatever the mind ca imagine
it can also achieve. The door of success has been shut at many because every
avenue to their minds is closed by doubt, worry, and fear. We are shaped by our
minds. I have read in books of so many men who used their minds to shake their
world. Michael faraday, who became a giant in the world of science today, began
as a book binder in a press and later became a lab attendant but he was a
thinker; he used his mind not just dwelling on lab attendant but hungering for
more and now he has made waves in the world of science. Make an outstanding
success! Use your mind!
There is no
relationship that leaves you the same. It either changes you positively or
negatively. “Two cannot work together
unless they agree”. Your association can help you fail or succeed. Great
dreams, great goals, great plans-all have been swept away because of bad
friends. Your association has a fatal contribution to your success, that is, it
can bring you down or lift you up. If you want to make a difference in your
world, then you have to choose your friends wisely. Move with the wise and
become wise, remain in the counsel of foolish men and be foolish. A friend that
tells you relax when you ought to work is not a good friend; he or she has
begun to process your visa for failure, but a friend who advises you to do
things right, who encourages you to work harder and who does research and other
valuable things with you, has helped in catapulting you to the peak of the
mountain, SUCCESS. Successful people have one important attribute: they are
impatient with people who think negatively. Friends who don’t want you to climb
will want you to crawl; likewise, a friend who want you to climb will love to
see you fly. You have to move with the right company of people that have the
same values and principles with you, for your friends will either stretch your
vision or choke your dreams. Do not receive counsel from unproductive people
because they are quick to bring down your spirit. “In prosperity our friends know us but in adversity we know our
friends”. Those that don’t increase you will eventually decrease you. Learn
not to follow any one who’s not going anywhere. If you run with dogs, you will
learn to bark, but if you associate with eagles you will also learn how to soar
to greater heights. Follow those that will add value to your life.
You have the
keys to the door of success. Are you now ready to unlock every shut door of
success? Come on, the set time for that is now.
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